vacaciones comienza ahora!

Well it official started Monday, but I’m only just now getting around to talking about-it.

I’m having a rather difficult time allowing myself to slow down. It feels exceptionally foreign. But I have slowly started doing things that I haven’t done in A W H I L E!

1. stopped doing this….

2. painted my nails for the first time in approximately five months…and they’re already chipping...but I don’t mind because I can just paint 'em again…pink/purple? mint green?

3. I have time to play with my hair…

4. READ!!! I have about five books that have piled up since I was in school, and I finally have the time to read them…yeee…

5. Finish where I left off on my art projects, and start making new stuff...

6. and lastly...blog of course.


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