right between the eyes

I've been so busy lately...trying to finish the semester with my head on straight, taking care of truck/license/insurance stuff (yeee truck!!), giving presentations at work, etc.

BUT...ninety-one years ago today something happened that made me think of you.

Joan of Arc was canonized.  

If you only have time for one thing today, you should celebrate Saint Joan of Arc. I gave her a little shout out, it went something like this..."WHAT UP Joan of Arc, you were the shit in your day, thanks for doin' all that you did." And then I poured a little of my beer out for her and for you. I lied about that last part, only because I don't have a beer, but if I did....

On a separate note, dinner is ready and I can't wait to eat!

I know it doesn't look like much but I'm excited...so excited that I didn't even rinse the zucchini before I put it in, or the tomatoes. There's a pretty good chance I might get hep-naid-tit-is and die. And the boy is out of town which means I get to eat my girly dinner and watch my girly shows, I hope Housewivies is on!


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